Women's Health

Back pain in pregnant women

Get a lot of pregnant women back pain due to increased abdominal size, and weight gain, which put pressure on the muscles and vertebrae.
The body produces the hormone relaxin during pregnancy, which helps to create a body for the birth. And the effects of relaxin relaxes the ligaments of the body, making pregnant women more susceptible to infection, especially the back. To ease back pain during pregnancy you her pregnant some tips:

1 - not to lift any weights. If you want to carry something heavy, such as your baby then do it correctly. Do not bend at the waist, but twelve knees and make the weight on your legs, not your back

2 - Do not stand or sit for a long time, try to be consistent from time to time and put your feet on a small stool when sitting. Apply or to support one of your legs when you stand

Breast pain often do not call for concern

  L breast does not warrant concern it occurs when most of thewomen in the second half of the menstrual cycle when fluid accumulates in the tissues of the breast, which leads to inflation of the breast.

It also increases the sensitivity of postmenopausal women if they used hormones, because theycause water retention.

To alleviate breast pain are advised to reduce salt intake, caffeine and wear a supportive bra fit

Hormone therapy in menopause

Use a lot of women when they enter the stage of menopause hormone therapy to get rid of the severe symptoms suffered by them at this point.
In 2002 appeared the results of a study on women's health, which was a source of great concern to women regarding the use of hormone therapy in the long term. Where this study linked between hormone therapy and the high risk of heart attack, stroke, blood clots, and breast cancer, which led to a lot of women stop using the drugs. Which is sound and reasonable step for many women.
If you suffer from vaginal dryness, ask your doctor about the use of topical estrogen, such as Estring, or the use of gel for this issue lubricant Astroglide can alleviate the problem. As for hot gifts, some research has shown that the herb black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) and soy milk or soy products, flax seed oil helps in the alleviation of donations

Dates of the menstrual cycle disorder is cause for concern

Many women suffer from periods of irregular menstrual cycle. The girl wig teen need a year or more until its after the event organized for the first time, and when women approaching menopause, the cycle becomes irregular, too, and often become shorter sessions, before stopping the menstrual cycle altogether.
Otherwise, usually organized the menstrual cycle. He spoke sometimes disorders because one of the factors such as: stress, anxiety, and significant loss of weight, and travel through different regions of the timing, and disease, and contraceptive methods that rely on abstinence during the days of ovulation can fail because of these factors may change the dates of the session

Vaginal itching: Is it always an indicator of vaginal infection

Produce vaginal itching that occurs without the discharge or a foul smell in the vagina. Forseveral reasons: hormonal changes; reaction to the soap and detergent (especially scented), condoms, or douching; tight clothing; skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis, and race.

Painted anti-itch cream externally and must be done as soon as infection itching. To preventrecurrence, and avoid irritants such as scented pads or toilet paper freshener, and antibacterial soap. If you must use the types of mild soap, like Neutrogena or Dove and white non-scented is best. If accompanied by itching or afraid in a month or accompanied by unusual discharge, you should visit your doctor to rule out an infection such as bacterial vaginosis or yeast infection, ortrichomoniasis (TRICHOMONAS)

Increase milk hormone (prolactin): symptoms and causes

 Hormone to increase milk produces benign tumor affecting the pituitary gland (pituitary gland)that produces the hormone prolactin (milk hormone) and increase the milk hormone is the mostcommon type of pituitary tumor. And symptoms occur due to the increase of prolactin in the blood, or because of pressure from the tumor to surrounding tissues.

Prolactin (Prolactin) stimulates the production of breast milk during pregnancy. After childbirth,prolactin levels fall unless the mother breastfeeds her baby. Each time the child is feeding, prolactin levels rise to maintain milk production.

The most important elements that slow down the secretion of prolactin is dopamine (Dopamine)and is a natural substance secreted by the brain and transmitted to the pituitary gland and do its job to control prolactin

Ovulation pain

  .Some women experience pain during ovulation, this pain normal and common. Rarely have this pain is an indication of the presence of a health problem in women.
It is believed that the cause of pain during ovulation leak a small amount of blood from the ovary occurs at the time of ovulation. It is believed that this blood, which is absorbed later, and causes irritation of the abdominal wall which causes pain. The degree of pain varies from one woman to another, and the amount of blood that leaks

CA 125: examination of ovarian cancer cells

ca 125 cancer antigen is a protein, a sign of a tumor, a substance that there is greater focus in the cancer cells more than any other cells in the body. ca 125 there is a greater focus in ovarian cancer cells. Has been defined for the first time in the early eighties, and 125 ca function of the protein is not understood at the present time.

Measured ca 125 from a blood sample. Can also be measured in fluid from the chest or abdominal cavity. Tests currently used are based on the use and presence of antibodies that are directed against the protein 125 ca.

Natural values ​​of ca 125 to check is less than 35 U / ml
That blood levels of this protein can increase in cases of benign and malignant tumor