Mental Health

We all feel sometimes some of the boredom or despair or sadness. And do not usually goes on these feelings for more than a week or two weeks, and that does not significantly affect the course of our lives. And sometimes there may be reasons or there are no obvious reasons, and if the depression came from nothing.

And is usually said that people suffering from depression when they do not go about it quickly feelings of depression, and feelings of depression are severe and affect the course of his daily life.
What are the feelings of depression?
Feelings of depression more severe than just a feeling of happiness for a short time and with Societies us from time to time. Depression lasts for a longer period. May continue for months and not just days or weeks. And do not necessarily have to be patient with depression all the symptoms mentioned here, but that often has to be five or six of the following symptoms:
• feel unhappy most of the time (but you may feel a little better in the evening
• lose interest in life, do not return something you enjoy
• find it more difficult to make decisions
• No longer able to cope with the things that you are able to do that before
• feel very tired
• feel bored and Altdjr
• lose your appetite for food and bent and your weight (some people on the contrary increase weight)
• Need for an hour or two to be able to sleep, and then Tstakiz earlier than usual
• lose interest in sexual desire
• lose faith in yourself
• feeling of futility and despair
• avoid other people
• What can you feel worse at a specific time each day, often in the morning
• contemplating suicide.
And may not realize how much is the intensity of feeling depressed because he had begun a phased. And we are determined to have resistance on our own and may blame ourselves for our laziness or inactivity, and others may try to convince us that the request for assistance and help not a sign of weakness. And may try to cope with feelings of depression through more work and effort, but this may expose us to more tension and exhaustion. And then we may notice some physical pain and constant headaches or insomnia. And this may be physical symptoms of the first signs of depression.
Why is depression?
As is the case in some daily depression can happen to us from time to time, there may be clear reasons for the depression, and there may be no reasons. And usually there is more than one reason, and these reasons vary from person to person.

Things could happen in our lives
It is natural to feel some depression after the incident disturbing, Kalosy the death of relative, divorce or loss of business or profession. And may spend some weeks or months thinking about the event and talk with him, and after a while we start adjusting to what happened. But some of us may continue in the case of depression that seem endless.
If we feel lonely, or that we are without friends around us or we were nervous, or anxiety and fears, or physically tired, we are more likely to become depressed.
Organic disease
Depression may happen when a quorum of the disease, physical diseases. And this is true for life-threatening diseases such as cancer or heart disease, but also applies to chronic diseases or disturbing or painful, Karomatesm or arthritis or bronchitis. Young ages may develop depression, a viral infection and fever Kalanflonza glands.
Everyone can become depressed, but some of us more vulnerable to infection than others. And this may be the Tabiiep our bodies, or our experiences early in life, or both.
Many people who consume alcohol frequently can be infected with depression. And may be obvious sometimes you first started drinking or depression. We know that those who drink too much are more likely to kill themselves than those who do not drink.
Gender / gender
Seems that women are more susceptible to depression than men. And may be the reason that men are less inclined to recognize the nature of their feelings, or they do not Eekpton their feelings in their minds, or they get them through aggressive or increase drinking. And could be because women are susceptible to the tension multiplier being forced to work at home, in addition to caring for children.

Depression can be spread in the family or the family, if one parent had suffered severe depression, you are eight times more susceptible to depression.
And what about bipolar disorder?
All 1 to 10 people were injured severely depressed will also have times where they are in a buoyant and hyperactivity. And this has been called manic-depressive, but often what is now called bipolar disorder and emotion is affects the same number of men and women, and tends to spread in families.
Depression is not just a form of weakness?
May seem to others that the patient Balamtiab a person had surrendered and he had a choice in this matter. And the fact that there is a certain point takes the nature of the disease of depression before anything else. And this disease may affect people very design, making it the need to and not recovered from earlier criticism. And not indicators of vulnerability when exposed to strong personal deep depression. And has named Winston Churchill Alaktilb that black dog.
When should I ask for help?
When feelings of severe your depression and worse than usual, and looked as if not better, when feelings of depression affect your job or profession, or you and your feelings toward your family and friends, when you feel as if life is not worth living, or that others Sertahon without you.
May be enough just to talk about yourself in with a relative or friend, and he can help you to overcome this difficult phase in your life. If you do not stop this or Isladk enough perhaps you need to talk about it with your family doctor. And you may find that your friends and family have noticed a change you, making them fear you

Treatment of depression 

Do not get it in yourself
If you have received bad news, or exposed to is annoying, try to speak with those who are Qrbion you, and talk to them how you feel. And which sets in many cases to re-talk about the painful experience several times, and to cry on command. That the mere talk about it with someone is one of the methods employed by the natural mind to heal itself.

Do something
Get out of your home for some exercise, and if it's just walking. This will help you to maintain physical fitness, and may improve your sleep. While you may not feel able to walk, but it is recommended that you always try to stay motivated. You can be doing some activities, such as some of the work of the house, or some repairs (may not be more than changing the lamp in the house) or any of your business routine. And this may help you to spend your thinking away from the painful thoughts that make you feel more depressed.
Each well
Try to eat a balanced diet food, although you may not feel like the food, it is useful and, in particular fruits and vegetables fresh. And depression may make you lose some weight and some Alvitamniat, which can worsen depression.
Be careful of the wine
Try to resist the temptation to drink and feeling distressed, Valkhmr actually makes depression worse. And alcohol may make you feel a little better for a few hours and then leave you in the case of the worst. Alcohol and will prevent you from getting proper help and for solving problems, and in addition to that, his physical damage to your health.
Sleep well
Try not to worry about not being able to sleep. And even if Taatkmen Fmma of sleep helps you to listen to the radio, or watching television and you're trying to lie down and relax to relieve your body. If you can occupy your mind in this way may feel less concerned and find yourself better able to sleep.
Treat the cause
If you think you know the reason behind your depression, Fmma help you write the nature of the problem and then to think of things you can do to cure this cause. Select the best thing you can do and then try to do.
Stay optimistic
Remind yourself: you suffer from the experience suffered by the thread a lot of people, you inevitably will emerge from this stage, and despite the difficulty of believing you now is this, that depression can be a useful experience, and that out of it stronger and better able to adapt. And can help you to see situations and relationships are clear, it can be more able to take important decisions and changes in your life you avoid in the past.
Psychiatric / psychological counseling
Whatever you are depressed, just the simple statement about your feelings can help you. If you get depressed and you have a disability, or you are caring for a relative of yours, then you may get the required support for a way to share your experiences and your experiences with others in the group going through similar circumstances.
If you find difficulty in overcoming the feelings of sorrow at the death of a relative of yours, it helps a lot to talk with someone else.
And sometimes hard to express the true nature of your feelings and even if someone close. It may be easier to talk about these feelings with a counselor or therapist mental health. Reveal just what in the chest may relieve a lot. If I managed to get someone's attention and what you hear is usually happens because you feel a little better about yourself. There are different types of psychological treatments available, and some are very effective in cases of depression of mild to moderate degree of distress.
Cognitive behavioral therapy helps people to overcome the negative thoughts that are sometimes the cause of depression. And psychological treatments may be useful analytical dynamic if you find difficulty in dealing with others.
Need of psychological treatments that are used to speak some time in order to be effective. And may extend treatment session about an hour, and you may need between 5 to 30 meetings. Therapist may see you a week, while another processor would prefer to see the patient every 2 to 3 weeks.
How does psychotherapy to speak?
This depends on the nature of the treatment used, just to share your concerns with others will help you, as it reduces the feeling of unity with your problems, and feel some support and encouragement. Help treatment cognitive behavioral to identify the thoughts that make you depressed, and then change these ideas, helps psychological counseling for the clarity of your feelings about your life and for other people, help processors analytical to see how your experience the past on your life now, it can be to talk within the group people to help you change the behavior of your dealings with others, where you denying this, and in a safe and supportive, and that of others to enjoy how they see you, and try experimenting with different ways of behavior and talk.

If your depression is severe or long chronic, your doctor may suggest you take medicine antidepressant. And not antidepressants types of sedatives and analgesics in spite of you will feel the better you feel anxious and disorder. And it could help people with depression improved feelings and increase their ability to adapt, which they can start feeling the joy of life, and again to deal with their problems effectively.
It is important to remember that with antidepressants, and contrary to many of the drugs, you will not feel the impact directly antidepressant, do not people notice any improvement in their passions for 2 to 3 weeks. Despite the fact that some other Aloalaad can start better faster. It may be noted for example that people sleep better now that they are concerned and become lighter in the first days of treatment
O for the best treatment for me to speak or pills?
And this depends on the course of the evolution of e and the intensity of your depression. Overall, it was found that psychological treatment to speak more influential in cases of mild depression and moderate intensity. While believed to lack the benefit of grain in cases of mild depression. If your depression is severe, you probably need to antidepressant medication, usually for 7 to 9 months.
And often that people find some benefit from getting on the type of psychotherapy that have improved their emotions after the use of antidepressants. And thus also help you to change some of the circumstances of your life and that can cause you to depression if left as is.
So, it's not only one of these treatments, but none of them may be required at a particular time without the other, and both speak Alamaaljtin psychological and pharmacological treatment affect more closely in helping people get out of depression at moderate intensity.
And some people do not like the idea of ​​taking the medications, while some do not wish to speak other psychological treatments, and so there is a degree of personal choice. And making it sometimes difficult to apply this fact the small number of therapists and counselors in some areas of the country.
What happens if I have not received any treatment?
There is every 4 to 5 people are infected with depression get better completely without any treatment. And may need this often for 4 to 6 months (and sometimes more). So why bother in the treatment of depression?
Although every 4 to 5 people get better with time, then keep 1 out of every five of those still suffering from depression after two years of injury. And yet we still can not predict and improve the knowledge of who will not improve. Although you automatically improve the experience of depression, this is not a pleasant experience and Alomristhak to try to shorten the duration of your suffering from depression. This is in addition to that if your depression is the initial attack, you have Grsp that a bout of 50:50 seconds. There are a small number of people with depression who are suicidal.
How can I help patients with depression?
Be a good listener. And this may be harder than it looks. You may have to listen again and again for the same thing. And the best that do not offer advice unless asked, and even if the answer is obvious to you.
And in some cases, depression may arise from the problem of specific and known, and in this case you can help the person by finding a solution to this problem or at least just a way to deal with this problem. And useful to just spend time with the patient and his encouragement and help you to speak and help him to continue in some of the things that his habit to do.
With depression and find it very difficult to believe in the idea that Seetmathl for improvement of depression. Tminth that you will inevitably get better, and maybe you'll repeat this again and again.
Make sure with depression buy enough to eat and it deals with a sufficient quantity of food. Helped him to stay away from alcohol, and if his condition worsened greatly, and began to permit does not want to live in or even just Tmahih that he might harm himself, Carry this matter seriously. And make sure he told his doctor to do so. Helped him to accept treatment. And do not try to be deterred from taking the medication or to see a therapist or counselor. If you have concerns about the treatment, you can discuss this with your doctor first.