Children's health

The health of the global concept of the child include physical health, emotional, mental and social well-being and family environment from birth until the end of adolescence and adulthood
Health includes:

* The safety of physical growth with weight and length of follow-up to the child until the age of majority at periodic intervals under the supervision of a physician, assessment and head circumference until the end of Alsnpaiip periodically
* Follow-up development of the child in its various dimensions of mental, emotional, psychological, social, behavioral, educational and academic
* Child safety and prevention of diseases which include treatment and give vaccines or immunization against the disease periodically by the national immunization program and periodic follow-up for the detection of congenital and genetic diseases
* The safety of the psychological and emotional growth
* Family environment and social environment and a healthy environment to ensure interaction and emotional and psychological growth of a healthy child
* Adequate food by age start to breastfeed (two full years for those who wanted to be breast), after the sixth month of the child's age is starting with food supplements under the guidance of a doctor Gleb, then feed the child later in Mmn ensure the basic needs
* Family care and education on the basis of sound
Which provides child health does not only mean having a child in the family grows and develops within the family environments absurd Germahaip Child Care
Rights of the child and the family, society and the duties of the direction of the child to create individuals able to interact positively at the age of majority and capable of advancement of society and its future
Infant's relationship with his mother
Mother-child relationship begins before pregnancy planning to receive another individual in the family, Tnumeipalcaour acceptance of the fetus from the mother to come and that individual attention must be paid by the self-defense, and to create conditions to receive it and work to stabilize the pregnancy care of health in the maternity centers specialized.

  Husband's support and the family of the mother before pregnancy and during pregnancy is very important, where embryo development depends in part on the love affair between a mother and her unborn child is a reciprocal relationship and therefore often suffer unwanted fetus by the problems in the development and growth.

After birth is advisable to put the child in the lap of his mother immediately after birth when a child becomes a healthy stable of left untouched, which strengthens the close relationship between the mother and her child.

Responds newborn when touching cheeks that turn his face toward his mother's face or her breast to suckle their milk and this raises the secretion of the hormone prolactin is responsible for the secretion of milk from the breast, and this convergence of physical strengthens the emotional closeness and affect the development of children, it is advisable to exploit a lull the child vigilant that caressed her mother touching Bonamlha limbs and face, and a massage and gently hemmed in and the child responds to that which strengthens the relationship of love between them. When a crying baby raises his mother Vtlamsh and speak with a voice soft and gentle child Verdo

Child Nutrition
Medullary milk is the milk produced by the mother's breast during the 3 to 4 days after birth
A special milk to breastfeed her child in the early days of age and a few quantities estimated at 40 to 50 mm, but adequate to the needs of the baby at this age because it is focused or intense,
Medullary milk contains higher amounts and higher concentration of mature breast milk of proteins, salts and fat-soluble vitamins, as well as antibodies against infection to protect the child in the first and Aimh inadvertent contact with the world outside its mother's womb
Contains larger amounts of vitamin A secretory IgA
This vitamin works to protect the body from bacteria and supports the tissue lining and gives the color of milk medullary italics yellow color
Therefore, according to what has been Etbianh about milk medullary advised to breastfeed the newborn child that the milk from the breast
Sometimes the mother is that milk is not enough, especially if suffered her baby is crying and is often for reasons unrelated to the need for milk but the mother or the surrounding family members advise the addition of milk artificially and this is not proper where milk medullary small but intense and it is enough need for the child in its early days and advised not to of urgency and give artificial milk, but consult your doctor
After the third day start of the mature breast milk and nursing mother feel that her nipples start to start the fullness and the amount of milk secreted from breast growing, progressive as they reach the fifth day to the seventh day after giving birth to 300-400 mm and is called transitional milk
After two weeks of birth becomes the amount of milk detachment of about 500 to 800 mm and the so-called mature milk
Until the beginning of the sixth month the mother's milk enough of the food needs of the child is no need to start supplementing the food nor water nor juice pain where milk contains sufficient amounts of food and water, except in special circumstances, call your doctor

Child development

Child development and acquisition of skills and different abilities
A child is born with a set of capabilities that Ahobha his God to ensure his live and interact with its surroundings.
Of these capabilities when the child completed pregnancy and proper physical ability to breast-nipple and look for his mother to express his needs in tears, and with a reflex reflexes such as automatic search in contact with his face next to the mouth.
Then evolve to have different skills gradually with the development of mental and brain centers higher, and also to develop the functions of its members, and then acquire motor skills, language, develop the senses-visual, audio, sitting, crawling, walking, running and playing, the ability to social interaction and behavior, speak and then speak, and then reads and writes to Anisubh adult, and take its role in society and building the nation's future.
During the period of child development and divided by medical references to periods and stages, the child at the age of specific skills in specific areas of development which will then later, and also by the growth of certain physical standards and the foundations of universally agreed,
If the child did not acquire these skills in a certain age may indicate an evolutionary or developmental delays and the need to consult a doctor to detect the possible presence of ADHD in children,
With attention that there are differences in the capacities of children of the same age group in the collection of specific skills for the piece does not match a child with these standards does not necessarily mean that he is suffering from developmental delays but advised to follow up by a specialist doctor to the growth and development of the child.

Vomiting and diarrhea in children


Causing viruses, bacteria and parasites in the occurrence of diarrhea and vomiting in children, may also be caused by eating baby foods difficult to digest foods such as cooked or eat lots of sweets.
Comes serious vomiting and diarrhea on children in the event they cause drought, and the most important symptoms of dehydration:
1 - Low amount of urine, the color is darker than usual
2 - frequent urination of times less than usual
3 - thirst
4 - irritation of the Child
5 - Loss of appetite
6 - weight loss
7 - dry mouth
8 - Do not descend to the child tears when crying
9 - sleep more than usual
10 - When you press on the skin the skin is not due to his normal speed

Is my baby has a cold or the flu

Similar to the symptoms of the common cold and flu to a large extent, but there is a difference between the symptoms of diseases to help you specifically.

* cold symptoms begin gradually, either flu symptoms begin suddenly.
* Do not accompanied by an increase in cold temperature, or there is a slight increase in the movement. The flu Verafgaha significant rise in temperature.
* the child feels tired in the case of a simple cold. As in the case of the flu Faihs very tired.
* Do not accompanied by headache, common cold, flu either Verafgaha headache.
* No child loses his appetite in the case of the common cold, and less appetite in the case of the flu.
* the child does not feel the muscles in the case of headaches, pains, cold, either in the case of the flu Well headaches, pains in the muscles
The most important causes of abdominal pain in the newborn
There are several reasons that could lead to incidence of colic, but the most important are:

* Echo intestinal esophageal: the muscle, which lies in the confluence of the esophagus stomach is fully developed, so it can be to stomach acid rebound into the esophagus causing burning and irritation of the lining of the esophagus, resulting in pain cause crying child crying severe, with notes mother that the child is writhing in pain and Etjco Means a lot and come out of his mouth when Etjco, and that the child is vomiting after feeding, can not sleep comfortably
The mother's milk easier to digest, and reduce the recoil gastric esophageal, so I prefer breastfeeding for as long as possible, either in the case of breastfeeding bottle is recommended by dividing the amount of feeds into two parts, which helps to digest milk better, and after breastfeeding preferably keep the child brought 45-degree angle at least For half an hour. The doctor prescribes medicine to ease the acidity