الاثنين، 23 مايو 2011



to health is a state of complete physical, mental and social, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. This definition, which was approved during the First World Health Assembly, has not been amended since 1948.
Aspects of health:
Physical health: It is the result of physical exercise Calgary and morning exercises, which lead to an increase in blood flow to and from the heart increases the response speed of the heart. Fitness:
Fitness and physical health is good, is the result of regular exercise and proper sustenance, nutrition, and convenience for physical growth and recovery.Contents[Hide]
* 1 high population* 2 Mental Health
* 3 social determinants of health
* 4 self-care
o 4.1 Nutrition
o 4.2 Personal Health
o 4.3 Sports Nutrition
o 4.4 Physical exercise
o 4.5 Clean
* 5 See Also

High population
Strong indicator of the health of the population is rising, which is generally by increasing and improving the nutrition and health care, is also affected by the standard of living and quality of life. Genetics is also a major factor in the rise in popularity. Study of human growth, and its implications is known to auxology. 

Mental Health
Mental Health refers to health of the individual emotional and psychological. Merriam - Webster's Mental Health is defined as "emotional and psychological health of which the individual can use the cognitive and emotional abilities to meet and function in society, and meet the ordinary demands of everyday life.."
According to WHO, there is no definition of "formal" mental health. Cultural differences, subjective assessments, and competing professional theories all you want to find a definition of mental health. In general, most experts agree that "mental health" and "mental illness" are not the two isotopes. In other words, the absence of a mental disorder is not necessarily an indicator of mental health.
One way to think about mental health by looking at the effectiveness and success of the functions of a person, his sense that he is able and efficient; able to withstand varying degrees of anxiety, and maintain satisfying relationships, and lead an independent life and able to "bounce back" or recover from difficult situations, All of the signs of mental health. your moral, social, and most importantly - mental - all these aspects of emotional, physical and social - must work together to achieve the public health.
Underlying determinants of health: 

the social determinants of health
La Lande report noted that the underlying determinants of public health are the four, including human biology, environment, lifestyle, and primary health care services. Thus, maintaining and improving health not only through the advancement and application of health science, but also through the efforts of the individual and his intelligence in selecting the pattern of his life in his community. There is no doubt that the main factor is the environmental factor, water quality, particularly for the health of infants in developing countries.
Maintaining health: self-care
The achievement of health, and conservation is a difficult process and effective. There are effective strategies to ensure the health of the individual and improve the health of the individual and include the following elements:Nutrition
USDA Food Pyramid, which was published in 2005, is evidence of general nutrition. Nutrition is the science that studies how what people eat and what affects the health status, such as foods or food components that cause diseases or deteriorate health (such as eating too many calories, which is a major factor in obesity, diabetes, heart disease (. Field food and nutrition and also studying dietary supplements that improve performance, promote health, treatment or prevention of diseases, such as eating fibrous foods to reduce the risk of colon cancer, or with vitamins (o) CMOS to strengthen teeth and gums, as well as improving the immune system.  

Personal Health
And partly depends on the social structure of life, maintaining a strong social relations and conditions associated with good health and longevity, productivity, and a positive attitude. This is due to the fact that positive social interaction, as seen by many participants, increase the levels of chemicals in the brain that are associated with intelligence and personality. This basically means that positive reinforcement from a third party makes a person more socially adept, and helps to relax physically and mentally, all of which proved to be its effect on the nervous system. 
Sports and Nutrition
And focus on how food and dietary supplements affect athletic performance, Kalthasin (of training), and recovery (after events and training). One goal of sports nutrition is to maintain glycogen levels and prevent glycogen depletion. Another objective is to improve energy levels and muscle. There is a specific strategy to win the sport. An event could include a timetable for a full season of what should be dealt with sports, and minute quantities (before, during and after and between events and exercises). Participants in endurance sports such as the full distance triathlon eat according to a specific diet. Sports Nutrition are working hand in hand with sports medicine. Sport is the most important practices to reduce the weight as well.[Edit] Physical exercise
Exercise is the performance of movements in order to develop or maintain physical fitness and public health. It is often also in the direction of honing the skills or athletic ability. These practices through frequent and regular movements. Exercise is an important element in the prevention of certain diseases such as cancer, heart disease, heart disease, diabetes type 2, obesity and back pain. Workouts are generally four types depending on its overall impact on the human body:
1. Flexibility exercises are at the level of a group of muscles and joints.
2. Aerobic exercises such as walking and running focus on increasing the endurance to help healing of heart disease and help blood vessels and muscles.
3. Anaerobic exercises such as jogging or training, and help increase muscle mass and strength.
Physical exercise are important for maintaining physical fitness including healthy weight; and help to build and maintain bones, muscles, and joints; also help to reduce the risk of surgery, and strengthen the immune system to the sport.

Hygiene is to keep the body clean to prevent infection and disease, and avoid contact with infectious agents. Practices include hygiene, bathing, cleaning, cleaning teeth, washing hands especially before eating, washing food before it is eaten, and the preparation of food, clean utensils and surfaces before and after preparing meals, and others. This may help in the prevention of disease. By cleaning the body, the body gets rid of dead skin cells and bacteria, thereby reducing the chance of entry into the body.

The health benefits of dietary fiber


Get that high-fiber diet on a daily basis means a healthy diet, this is what is recommended by nutrition experts. Can be obtained with adequate fiber is by eating fresh food, Valaliav plant and carbohydrates found in bread, cereals, fruits, vegetables, peas, beans and nuts.
Fiber is not having too many calories as they pass through the body does not digest, but it has many health benefits of `. Access to fiber is soluble from natural sources such as: whole wheat, wheat bran, nuts, and vegetables, can reduce the incidence of constipation by softening the stool and increase the speed by moving the waste in the digestive system. Thus preventing this infection haemorrhoids. The soluble fiber in the water found in peas, beans, oats, apples and citrus, a gel removes cholesterol in the intestines, and come out with feces. Both types of fiber helps to get better health and helps to lose weight. It also helps Kmbat eating enough fiber to avoid the gas and abdominal pain.
And nutrition experts recommend that adults under the age of 50 to obtain 25 to 38 grams of fiber, while those who are over the age of 51 get 21 to 30 grams of fiber. To find out how much you need fiber, it calculates the calories you eat must obtain at least 14 grams of fiber per 1000 calories you eat. If you eat about 2000 calories a day, you will need about 28 grams of fiber.
The best sources of fiber in the diet come from grains and legumes. As well as vegetables and fruits, for example, peas and lentils contain 10 to 16 grams of fiber per cup.
So be sure to eat foods rich in fiber and a lot of fluid intake to maintain your health.

Foods that increase the body's immune 


The most important nutrients that promote the body's immune
Vitamin C (C), and increases the production of white blood cells, and levels of interferon-a antibodies, which closes the roofs of the cells and prevent viruses from entering.And is available at: sweet peppers, broccoli, fruit juice, lemons, oranges, strawberries, parsley
Vitamin (E), and activates the production of cells that destroy germs and cancer cells, also stimulates the production of immune cells that produce antibodies that kill bacteria.And is available at: almonds, broccoli, olives, papaya, sunflower seeds, boiling.
Carotene, found in vegetables and fruits yellow, orange, red or termination and increases the number of cells that fight infection. And help to prevent cancer.
Vitamin B12Necessary for the formation and increase the number of white blood cells, found in red meat, salmon, and seafood.
Thiamin B1)Found in asparagus, cereals, sunflower seeds, tuna and
Raipovlavi (B2)
Found in calf liver, cranberries, mushrooms, lettuce, and asparagus.
Niespen (B3)Found in asparagus, chicken breast, cranberries, mushrooms, salmon, tomatoes, tuna.
Baerodksen (B6)Found in sweet peppers, cranberries, tuna
FolateFound in asparagus, beef liver, lentils, lettuce, spinach, parsley.
Zinc and mushrooms and ecstasy in the flesh and Alqulyat
Chromium increases the ability of white blood cell response and bacterial resistance, is found in brewer's yeast, liver, whole grains, tomatoes, potatoes.
Selenium is found in nuts, cheese Alkotej, chicken, egg yolk, garlic, mushrooms, salmon, shrimp, sunflower seeds, tuna, whole grains

How does an antibiotic?
Bacteria and unicellular organisms, enter the human body and begin to multiply to affect the immune system and cause disease, antibiotics can kill bacteria, to eradicate the disease.

And produce some kinds of bacteria, chemicals cause an imbalance or disruption by the patient, and the body to fight bacteria by using the body's immune system that causes inflammation of the organ involved, and cause a pain, so do not need to use antibiotics to kill bacteria and cure infection.

The antibiotic is a specific type of poison to kill the bacteria, and each type of bacteria kill a certain type of toxins (antibiotic), but the poison does not affect the cells of the body. Each type of antibiotic affects different way

Benefits of probiotics "Probiotics" of the body

Contains the digestive system on the kinds of beneficial bacteria that your body needs to complete the process of digestion, and also provide protection from harmful bacteria. These are called probiotics

You can add probiotics to your diet through supplements or foods such as yogurt, milk, juices, and some soy beverages. Pickles, soy sauce, which contains lactobacillus to Aktobaselass

The probiotics help the body to:

1 - treat diarrhea, especially in cases of treatment with antibiotics, which may cause digestive problems (antibiotics kill harmful bacteria and beneficial).

2 - treatment and prevention of yeast infection in the vagina and urethra

Medical Errors: How to protect yourself from them?

Medical errors one of the most important reasons that lead to death, In the U.S., according to a report by the drug die every year 98 thousand people as a result of medical errors.

The most important action to protect yourself from medical errors is to be a party to a major participant in making any decision about your health, and research suggests that people who follow their cases health is less vulnerable to medical errors. To achieve this you have to take into account the following important issues:

1 - You must know that the doctors who oversee the treatment all information related to your health such as: diseases afflicting, drugs used, the types of vitamins and minerals you are taking, medicinal herbs used by, the types of food or medicines that cause reactions (sensitivity). Do not assume that he knows everything because you told him to visit you earlier

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